
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wild Onion Bar & Restraunt in St. Paul

I went to this bar after hitting a Saints game friday night. I have never been to Grand ave before, but I was told to go to Wild Onion and Billys. We walked into Wild Onion and immediatly noticed the amount of large guys in Ties controlling the crowd (already a bad sign). The next problem was the amount of skanky girls in this bar was worse than infamous Sneaky Petes in Minneapolis. It was like Jersey shore girls from the Styx...not a good combination! Trying to start a real conversation with these girls is like trying to talk to a deaf person from Uganda. Of course, where ever there is skanky girls, there are douche bag guys. I think these guys stare at them self in the mirror more than the girls do. Of course there were a few exceptions, and I hate generalizing, but it was a large majority. There were some groups of St. Thomas people, and you can point them out right away because they were the loud 21 yr olds who have excitement in there eyes like they are at a bar for the very first time. The good points.. good music..kinda. But the music videos are fun and the people watching is entertaining. Its like mating rituals of animals. Overall...2 out of 10, and thats if your drunk.

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