
Friday, August 27, 2010

Solera in Downtown Minneapolis

Solera is a Tapas Bar and Lounge that is close to seven in downtown minneapolis. A friend of mine knew the DJ from Envy ( Jake) and was told that he is working a few nights at Solera on their rooftop. The bar was very interesting, to say the least. It was very trendy and the people are nuts. The bar is really supported by the Gay community, but most people there were straight and there was ALOT more women there than men. The rooftop though was very nice. The picture above is the view that you will have. The food is fun and they have a late night happy hour. So alot of great qualities ( then again we were getting shots from the DJ ). Only downside is that the service sucked and the servers were kinda boring. So I give it a 6 for now...but who knows...maybe they will start hiring more interesting people if they see this post.

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