
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Captain's Deck at Target Field

So I haven't blogged about the bars that I have been hitting latly because there was nothing that really stuck out. Last night however I went to the Twins game against the Royals with my Company. We went upstairs to the Captain Morgans Deck, and even though it is not technically a bar it felt like one. I will be honest and say that most of the people there were having so much fun that they were hardly watching the game. They even have the statue of Captain Morgan to match the neat decorations. Warning though, don't buy a round of drinks for everyone at this place because your going to walk out of Target field having spent way more than what you thought you would of. Either way, it has a great view and the women are very diverse. I must say that a chick in a baseball hat is always hot though. This place ( bar or not) is an 8 out of 10!

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